About Me

Monday, 30 November 2009

Weekend Walkies

On Saturday, despite having a list as long as my arm of things to do around the house and garden, I took advantage of the break in miserable weather and went for a walk with my mum and brothers. Slightly miffed at their concerns when we parked the cars and the questions as to whether I was feeling alright (apparently I only ask for walkies when I am depressed!) which I guess over the summer months might have been true. Many a time, I spent a Sunday afternoon walking up hills, waiting for our little 'rest stop' before bursting into tears and confessing all to my mum who was always at the ready with tissues and hugs, whilst Lucy the dog was ready with a big stick covered in drool that didn't quite fit as she charged between us.

This time though, there was none of the above because I have nothing to feel down or sad about. Life is pretty good, I am happy and it shows.

We walked for a few hours and found this tree. It looks lonely but sinister. I like it. I think there is a story somewhere.

1 comment:

emily josephine mcphillips said...

gnarly tree.
glad to hear you're feeling happy.
a story about you walking through your problems sounds like it could be a great idea. x