About Me

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Leaving on a jet plane....

I am going to Australia tomorrow for 3 weeks. I am very excited.
I am hoping to learn more about myself and perhaps find out who I am. I will have plenty of time on my own, to be absorbed by thoughts and to observe the world from my little bubble.
I hope to be inspired. I am looking forward to feeling alone and overwhelmed at the thought of how far away I am from everything and everyone I currently know.

I am going to Byron Bay. I was told by a clairvoyant that it was a special place for me and that I have a soul group there. I am wondering how to announce my arrival.

I want to bring a wombat home with me - they are stupid and cute.

Hopefully I will be here as often as I can.
Be back soon with lots to write about.... hopefully.

1 comment:

emily josephine mcphillips said...

leaving on a jet plane is a lovely song. it was one of the first songs i learnt to play on the guitar :)